The first thing you should be thinking of when wanting to save money on groceries is overspending.
you can totally save your money on groceries while also ensuring you have the right nutrition.
You can use different grocery savings apps to reduce your spending on groceries.
So, if you are already aware of the 50-30 20 rule of money, you would love to know about this rule. This has become very popular lately. You will save your money and balance your nutrition through grocery shopping
You can enroll in a customer loyalty program to reduce the cost of grocery shopping.
How to save money on groceries? You are asking this question and have not thought of shopping from local stores this whole time.
If you are going to that local retail store every weekend and literally know all the corners, you should have also seen some flyers and discount banners
Just because the place is close by, you cannot make any excuse to go there everyday and shop on impulse.
I know that this does not sound too convincing. But hear me out. Do not risk going to retail stores on an empty stomach. When you are hungry, you might end up shopping too much.